Tap Project — A Year In Review [2020]
The year rocked on in March as Tap went live with Tap N Go Rewards app — a mobile friendly app. A simpler platform for all levels of users to play games and earn cashable rewards! Within the first month 25000 users joined the platform and it escalated to more than 100000 users by summer! It was an incredible spring.
Meanwhile the team worked hard adding games to both platforms. Gamers next had the option of cashing out to PayPal on Tap N Go Rewards. Connectivity was enabled with the ever-popular Fortnite. Players earned rewards for playing games, watching videos, and just connecting!
Summer days rolled round and introduced Tap Shop app, an interconnected store for managing cashable rewards at Tap No Go Rewards. Users could now participate in Prize Pools, cash out, or let their earnings pile up! Tap N Go Rewards became the #1 Earn Rewards app on Google Play!
Fall began by making available Tap Platform’s Tapcoin “TTT”, currency on Uniswap and also introducing a liquidity rewards program. Liquidity rewards were underway providing rewards in both Eth and TTT!
Just when things could not get better, Tap N Go Rewards partnered with Tapjoy, OfferToro and Pollfish enabling users to earn more rewards!
Plans were underway in the back end to make Tap even better. Tap Platform, Tap N Go Rewards and Tap Shop all connected and finally culminated at the year end with a new Tap Platform update that allows for staking TTT, farming more and earning Dega gas reduction tokens.
While it has been an incredible year for the Tap Project , we wanted to step outside of the project and send out warm thoughts to all of those affected by Covid 19. We wish everyone a healthy and happy 2021 and look forward to an amazing year!
-Tap Team