Introducing Tap Showdown!
Introducing Tap Showdown
Tap Showdown or “Showdown” introduces the next segment of the Tap platform by adding Gaming Tournaments to the mix!
Showdown is tournament Series that pits that best of the best against each other by combining Blockchain technology and E-sports gaming!
Create, play, earn TTT and watch tournaments live on the Tap Platform!
Last month the Tap Project, released Challenges, which allowed gamers to earn TTT while playing their favorite steam games! Gamers were provided the opportunity to convert in-game steam achievements into TTT and continue playing!
With the entrance of Showdown, the Tap Platform continues to expand in develop, getting one step closer to gaming disruption! Join the Tap Platform now to enter the evolution of Gaming!
Tap Into A World That Is More Than Just Gaming!
Are you an e-sports organizer and looking to jump on the most advanced gaming e-sports system, send us an email at !